This page summarizes the changes in CANDU from plant to plant. Please contribute to this page. Because of spam issues, you will need to Contact the Administrator by email to be permitted to log in.

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CANDU Evolution

Date Plant System Description Status Source
1954 (circa) NPD Reactor Reactor pressure vessel, vertical core, heavy water coolant and moderator, on-power refuelling, pressurized to raise temperature and thus get thermodynamic efficiency at the turbine Verified A Short History of the CANDU Nuclear Power System prepared by Gordon L. Brooks, CANTEACH, 1993
1954 (circa) NPD Fuel Zirconium fuel cladding Verified A Short History of the CANDU Nuclear Power System prepared by Gordon L. Brooks, CANTEACH, 1993
1955 NPD Fuel Switch from U metal to UO2 Verified A Short History of the CANDU Nuclear Power System prepared by Gordon L. Brooks, CANTEACH, 1993
1957 NPD Reactor Switch from pressure vessel to pressure tubes and, subsequently, switch from vertical core to horizontal core Verified A Short History of the CANDU Nuclear Power System prepared by Gordon L. Brooks, CANTEACH, 1993
1962 Pickering A Heat Transport System 12 operating pumps... Sample entry ?
1962 Pickering A PIC System Pressure control by Feed and Bleed, no Pressurizer Sample entry ?
1975 Darlington A Heat Transport System 4 operating pumps... Sample entry ?

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